Command incoming planes to land and departing planes to embark (take off)!
Landing and embarking takes 3 seconds and nets you +1 point. If more than one plane is occupying a lane at the same time, the game is over.
Landing will happen automatically after a timeout which you can delay. But don't delay too much, or the plane will leave in frustration, netting you -3 points.
Taking off is not automatic; you need to command departing planes to embark. Again, don't wait too much: after every 10 seconds of waiting, you'll net -1 point. Canceling a departing plane nets you -5 points!
Give commands in the form of "<plane> <command>", where <plane> is the ID of a plane and <command> is one of the following:
For example: "3 b" routes an incoming plane with the ID of 3 to land at plane B.